About Looking for Bears

Emotional Wellbeing

n. The state of being emotionally balanced, in a state of felt-safety, and able to foster healthy relationships with oneself and others.

Welcome to Looking for Bears, dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities in their journey towards personal and professional growth, resilience, and emotional wellbeing. Through a deep understanding of human behavior and the power of empathy, I am dedicated to creating safe and nurturing environments that foster positive change and thriving relationships.

What is Looking for Bears?

The analogy of Looking for Bears serves as a guiding principle, that we should approach challenging behaviors and emotions with curiosity and empathy rather than judgment or fear. Look for the Bears is a reminder to delve beneath surface-level judgments, stereotypes, and assumptions, seeking a deeper understanding of people's contexts, needs, and unique perspectives.

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With a holistic approach rooted in the latest science and drawing from neuroscience, psychology, and personal development, I provide comprehensive services that guide individuals, organizations, and communities in exploring the intricate connection between emotions, behavior, and context. Together, we navigate challenges, become healthier, and cultivate a foundation for lasting wellbeing.

From coaching and consulting to training and speaking, my services equip individuals, educators, business leaders, healthcare professionals, and others facing crises with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to overcome challenges and create positive change. I believe in the inherent value of everyone's experiences, perspectives, and emotions. With a commitment to diversity and inclusivity, I provide a safe, welcoming, and trauma-informed space for exploration and growth.

Join me on this transformative journey, unlocking your potential and embracing a life filled with resilience, joy, and meaningful connections. Explore the resources and services I offer, and let's Connect to start your journey of growth and emotional wellbeing.

Where Compassion and Science Merge for Lasting Transformation

Who I Serve


By engaging with my services, you will embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. Learn practical strategies to cultivate self-kindness, emotional regulation, and enhanced self-awareness. Gain valuable insights to navigate challenges, build resilience, and create a happier and more fulfilling life.


By engaging with my services, you will embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. Learn practical strategies to cultivate self-kindness, emotional regulation, and enhanced self-awareness. Gain valuable insights to navigate challenges, build resilience, and create a happier and more fulfilling life.

Teachers and Educators

As an educator, you have the power to shape the lives of your students. Engage with my services to gain a deeper understanding of the science of safety and emotional wellbeing in the classroom. Learn practical tools and techniques to foster a positive learning environment, improve student engagement, and cultivate the social-emotional skills necessary for student success.

Business Leaders

Creating a thriving workplace culture is crucial for the success of your organization. With my services, you will gain the knowledge and strategies to promote emotional wellbeing, improve teamwork, and enhance employee satisfaction. Unlock the potential of your team by fostering a safe and inclusive environment that inspires creativity, cooperation, collaboration, innovation, and productivity.

Healthcare Professionals

In the healthcare industry, providing compassionate and person-centered care is paramount. Engaging with my services will equip you with the tools and insights to better understand and support your patients, particularly those facing emotional or behavior challenges. Enhance your communication skills, cultivate empathy, and create an environment where patients feel safe, valued, and empowered.

First Responders

As a first responder, you play a critical role in supporting individuals in some of the most distressing moments of their lives. Engage with my services to gain practical strategies for effectively assisting individuals during challenging times. Learn how to cultivate empathy, active listening skills, and trauma-informed approaches to provide compassionate support and promote more positive outcomes for your clients.

Legal Professionals

As a legal professional, you often work with clients who are in distressing situations. By engaging with my services, you will acquire valuable tools and techniques to navigate difficult conversations, demonstrate empathy, and create a safe and supportive environment. Gain insights into approaches and effective communication strategies to foster trust and facilitate more positive outcomes for your clients.


No matter your role or profession, I am dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to create safer, healthier, and more compassionate environments. Through my services, I provide a deep understanding of the science of safety, human behavior, and emotional wellbeing. Together, we can drive positive change to help individuals, organizations, and communities thrive.