Co-dependency can be understood as interpersonal trauma-coping mechanisms rooted in the need to feel safe in relationships. By viewing these behaviors through the lens of trauma responses—fight, flight, freeze, and fawn—we can foster growth and understanding without judgment or shame...
When we embark on the journey of dating and seeking life partners, we're often under the impression that our choices are the result of rational decision-making, driven by personal preferences, interests, and desires. But beneath the surface, our nervous system is quietly at work...
In high-conflict, high-crisis situations, such as those encountered in emergency medicine, firefighting, policing, education, social work, and in general when managing people, the ability to de-escalate tense situations is crucial. De-escalation requires a deep understanding of how...
Communication extends beyond the spoken word in our daily interactions. Non-spoken cues play a significant role in conveying our emotions, intentions, and states of being. Within this realm of non-spoken communication lies the intriguing and novel concept of Vagal Attunement—an...
Emotional regulation is a fundamental aspect of our wellbeing, allowing us to navigate life's challenges, manage stress, and foster healthy relationships. It is a lifelong process that begins in our formative years and continues throughout adulthood. In this article, we will explore...
Forgiveness. There exists a great deal of confusion surrounding the concept of forgiveness. It is important to understand what forgiveness is not, in order to grasp its true essence. Firstly, forgiveness is not excusal. It does not serve to excuse the harm caused or absolve the...